Soula Mantalvanos | Artist, designer & gallerist Melbourne Australia

Soula Mantalvanos | Artist, designer & gallerist


Finalist in the 2012 AME Bale Art Prize

2018-03-07T14:19:14+11:00July 13, 2015|Exhibition, Me, Painting, Prize|

Indeed! Clearly, studying during pelvic pain hell was worth it and not just for sanity's sake. Thank you Jeff Makin for your wonderful tuition (and your great selection of objects!). Artist's Journal and Palette has been selected as a finalist piece for the 2012 AME Bale Art Prize in the medium of oils and/or acrylics. 10" x 14", oil on canvas panel. Not [...]

Group show: Editions #1 at Penny Contemporary Hobart

2021-10-11T16:53:18+11:00January 27, 2015|Exhibition, Painting, Portraits|

Editions #1 celebrates Penny Contemporary's support of fresh international and interstate talent to Hobart and our continuing support of the Tasmanian and Hobart arts community. The exhibition showcases artists from Tasmania, Sydney, Melbourne, Los Angeles and Chicago across a wide range of media and material. Editions #1 is neutrally titled to reflect the artists' autonomy on the works they create. Artists: Laura [...]

Answerable to no one except my talent!

2018-03-07T14:06:21+11:00October 24, 2014|Drawing, Painting, Studio|

There's something really great about being an artist and experiencing a time where you can work without influence. I am experiencing that pleasure right now and exploring what it is I would like to focus on to amount a body of work that is unrelated to my last 7.5 years of pained life. My artworks of the last years have been quite erratic [...]

Semi Finalist for the Doug Moran National Portrait Prize 2014

2018-03-07T14:06:21+11:00September 1, 2014|Exhibition, Painting, Portraits, Prize|

Almost 150 works were selected from nearly 1,000 entries. 2014 judges were, Edmund Capon AM OBE, and Lewis Miller, Australian Artist. Both viewed all entries and made their selection of semi finalists. Very chuffed to be selected as a semi finalist regardless of the outcome. The portrait was flown up to Sydney for a second round of judging. She didn't make the final [...]

Borough of Queenscliffe 150th Anniversary Art Award finalist

2018-03-07T14:06:22+11:00October 31, 2012|Exhibition, Prize|

The mail can be so nice sometimes. Another wonderful art surprise this week with notice that my Drying Cutlery will be a finalist piece in the Borough of Queenscliffe's 150th Anniversary Art Awards. There are three galleries displaying finalists and mine will be displayed at Tussock Upstairs. This piece came about when I was on a retreat (from the pain ritual) in Hepburn [...]

Artist’s Materials

2018-03-07T14:06:22+11:00January 29, 2012|Painting, Studio|

Study has been wonderful with Jeff Makin for many reasons, and I intend to resume with it just as soon as I have some reliable capacity so I'm not throwing out my luscious paint and having to clean brushes for a few minutes of activity! One of the very enjoyable aspects of study has been revisiting simplicity. Keep it simple Jeff says and [...]

Delightful, Gasworks Arts Park exhibition 2008 opening

2021-10-11T17:06:46+11:00October 19, 2008|Drawing, Exhibition, Painting, Portraits, Printmaking|

The press release below explains this show perfectly. I do have to add a huge thanks however to three dearest people, Theo, Lynn Savery and Michelle Caithness. I could not have produced these works without Theo’s support (and that still goes for most things I do today!). Darling Lyno the chance I got to paint and draw you is icing on the [...]

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