Here and There 2023 Exhibition at Queenscliff Gallery drawing, exhibition, painting, printmaking Here and There 2023 Exhibition at Queenscliff Gallerysoula2025-02-23T13:39:11+11:00
Melbourne Girls Grammar Commission commission, printmaking Melbourne Girls Grammar Commissionsoula2021-10-02T20:53:30+10:00
Lustre group exhibition exhibition, painting, printmaking Lustre group exhibitionsoula2021-10-02T16:03:47+10:00
Self portrait, Hope in Port Jackson Press’s Winter Print Olympics exhibition, painting, printmaking Self portrait, Hope in Port Jackson Press’s Winter Print Olympicssoula2021-10-10T11:31:23+11:00
Form Exhibition Port Jackson Press exhibition, printmaking Form Exhibition Port Jackson Presssoula2021-10-10T11:57:31+11:00