Exhibition dates: Nov 29 — Feb 23
Official opening: Dec 1 from 3pm

Exhibiting artists: Antonio BallettaChristine GibsonLizzie HorneHyun Ju KimDeborah KleinMichael LeunigSoula MantalvanosDavid MooreGeoffrey RicardoJohn Ryrie and Lucinda Tanner

Step into the personal world of the artist with this year’s summer exhibition, Wonderment. Join Deborah Klein, John Ryrie, Lucinda Tanner and more, as they invite us on a journey to take a closer look at life and venture beneath the surface.

Spanning multiple landscapes and continents, stories and characters, this collection of artworks encourages the role of the spectator, with its suggestion that things may not entirely be what they seem.


QG&W Wonderment

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