Artists need to be resourceful if they’re going to support themselves and satisfy a patron’s dream of owning one of their works.

I often find myself gazing at some of my works and feeling sad at the thought of their destiny being ‘forever in the studio’. So, I am taking action and refusing to let that be their fate.

Armed with my design and media skills, I set myself to work on a significant achievement – adding a store to my website.

Hello Soula Store!

After operating Queenscliff Gallery (QG) for almost nine years, I’ve learned that art is ageless.

QG is always open to exhibiting works by artists made at any time in their careers. Often, I curate around an artist’s previous works, and patrons love seeing them – even prefer them.

So, I decided to practice what I preach and what I’ve found to be successful as a gallery Director.

Light bulb:

People will buy what they love, not necessarily what’s new.

The works in my store are works that I feel no longer work at QG or didn’t make it over to QG, such as studies, studio sketches, travel sketches, unframed works, explorations, experimentations, icons, works that stand alone in their message, etc.

I don’t want these works to live with me; I want them to live with you!

This is an exciting step for me (and hopefully you!), as it provides an alternate avenue for me to support my practice.

This actually makes me feel I can explore far more. Sometimes, the pressure that a gallery needs a body of work prevents freedom in the studio.

My experience with QG has taught me a lot about representing artists. I get to see the commercial situation from both the gallery and the artist’s perspectives—not all artists can rely solely on their gallery’s income.

By establishing strict rules around various sales avenues, which will differ for each artist according to the demand for their work, all parties can be happy and productive, and patrons can be even happier!

I’m off to rummage through my drawers, so stay tuned for a growing Soula Store.

For now, enough with the chitchat; off you go to the Soula store!

Can’t acquire artwork? Buy some of my greeting cards, and as a thank you, use Soula Store Welcome to receive 10% off your first order*.

*Discount applies to greeting cards only. My artwork is never on sale. It not only undoes the work of my gallery but it especially insults my patrons who have purchased work – art goes up in value, not down.

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