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Meanwhile, here’s some news you might have missed…
August 2024
Art Demand
Demand is everything to every business person. I am a businessperson. I sell products, mainly art, so demand is everything to me. This is the one defining factor of a successful artist—demand. You might see artworks that are good, bad, excellent, and/or awful; none of that influences sellability. The buyer drives success. Commitment to an art piece—whatever its subject, execution quality, medium, size, shape, or form is what makes demand. This is how representation works. A gallery is a shop. The shop's audience calls the shots and defines the stable. If the audience doesn't buy the art, the shop closes. As an artist and gallery owner, I feel much pressure to perform and sell! I can't take up the precious space of another artist. This week, I received tremendous encouragement—I sold work before my December exhibition at Queenscliff Gallery (QG).
July 2024
Welcome to my Soula Store
Artists need to be resourceful if they’re going to support themselves and satisfy a patron’s dream of owning one of their works. I often find myself gazing at some of my works and feeling sad at the thought of their destiny being ‘forever in the studio’. So, I am [...]
May 2024
2024 Exhibition Postponed
Well, that's life, isn't it? The perfect storm comes along and forces you to change all your plans. I've had great experience cancelling big plans and learned to be very adaptable. Emotionally, I've also learned to deal with these situations by planning something bigger and better ahead. And that I have.
March 2024
Hanging in the Queenscliff Gallery Vestibule
I really like intimate exhibition spaces! Small spaces attract much attention, especially if they are great (if I may say so) and at the gallery entry and exit point like the Vestibule at Queenscliff Gallery (QG). I finally decided it was time to send Endurance out into the world. I'm working on a new body of work and feel a few of my self-portraits can finally face the world. After a few touch-ups, I also re-introduced Hare's Secret Keys. Both works incorporate the Fornasetti wallpaper that I live with and love and my two marionettes.
February 2024
A Fargo Stamp for my Creative Process
In 2013, when I began making progress with pain management, I had the idea to make a marionette of myself. Theo and I had just travelled to Italy (masks and Pinocchios everywhere!), and returning on the plane I watched the film, Marilyn. It dawned on me how seriously [...]
January 2024
Geelong Times Magazine: Curating a New Life by the Bay
I always hold my breath when the media comes knocking on the door. It’s just ‘norm’ that personal information always gets distorted and somehow feels like your information is suddenly owned by the writer with all rights to embellish and adjust. Whether intentional or not, I usually regret telling [...]