Soula Mantalvanos | Artist, designer & gallerist Melbourne Australia

Soula Mantalvanos | Artist, designer & gallerist


From a Collingwood design studio to Queenscliff Gallery & Workshop

2018-03-07T14:06:19+11:00September 4, 2015|Gallery, Me, Printmaking|

Finding themselves at a life crossroad, creative directors Soula and Theo Mantalvanos of ooi - creative communication, decided to grant themselves four months of thinking time on the East Coast of Tasmania. Away from their Collingwood routine, they were able to clarify and plan for the next stage of life, taking into serious consideration Soula's chronic pain issue and related daily limitations. Soula [...]

My art website is back

2018-03-07T14:19:13+11:00July 26, 2015|Me, Studio|

Hello, welcome back! My art site is back and firstly I must apologise to those of you who have had some strange feeds land in your inbox during testing time. Hopefully this post will make sense of it all. Many of you might already know, but Theo and I made a mammoth transitional move from our beloved Collingwood to Queenscliff. Not an easy [...]

Borough of Queenscliffe 150th Anniversary Art Award finalist

2018-03-07T14:06:22+11:00October 31, 2012|Exhibition, Prize|

The mail can be so nice sometimes. Another wonderful art surprise this week with notice that my Drying Cutlery will be a finalist piece in the Borough of Queenscliffe's 150th Anniversary Art Awards. There are three galleries displaying finalists and mine will be displayed at Tussock Upstairs. This piece came about when I was on a retreat (from the pain ritual) in Hepburn [...]

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