Soula Mantalvanos | Artist, designer & gallerist Melbourne Australia

Soula Mantalvanos | Artist, designer & gallerist


Human Emotion Exhibition

2020-05-03T11:55:24+10:00May 3, 2020|Exhibition, Printmaking|

Exhibition dates: April 30 — June 1, 2020 Official opening online: May 3 from 3pm Titles as varied as Jane Austen’s Emma, Leigh Sales’ On Doubt and Hunter S Thompson’s Fear and Loathing in Las Vegas – selected by then-owners of The Bookshop at Queenscliff, Lisa and Mathew – are allocated to participating artists, whose hand-printed visual adaptations will go on display for the Human Emotion Print Exchange exhibition, alongside [...]


2019-10-17T11:20:23+11:00October 17, 2019|Exhibition, Printmaking|

Splendacious 23 November – 13 December 2019 Opening 2pm–4pm Saturday 23 November 2019 An exhibition of printmaking by: Emma Armstrong-Porter / Ute Braatz / August Carpenter / Matthew Clarke Elizabeth M. Cole / Dianne Colk / Paul Compton / Warren Cooke / Carlton Cox / Beth Croce / Ann Cunningham Rachel Derum / Philip Faulks / Kevin Foley / Sarah Gabriel / Alex [...]


2018-03-07T14:19:13+11:00October 25, 2015|Exhibition, Me, Printmaking|

Magical! My first ever invitation to a Print Exchange. Thank you Rona Green and thank you Theo for editioning my 50+ prints. What happens in a Print Exchange? Artists are invited to interpret the exhibition theme in any way they feel. A payable fee covers advertising material, framing, exhibition expenses and - the best bit - an archival box for each artist containing [...]

Geelong College Carnival Art Show Finalist

2018-03-07T14:06:19+11:00October 10, 2015|Exhibition, Prize|

A wonderful welcome from a neighbouring community since moving to Queenscliff. Thank you Geelong College. My Gertrude Streetscape (Southside Plate 2), Little Smith Street Fitzroy & Nude laying Prone, were three of the 70+ pieces selected from 300 pieces to be included in The Geelong College Art Show. I was pretty honored to be hanging with a great various group of artists and [...]

Artist’s meet and greet at Port Jackson Press

2018-03-07T14:06:20+11:00June 1, 2015|Exhibition, Printmaking|

A wonderful afternoon at Port Jackson Press for Soula and Stephanie's meet and greet. Many thanks to everyone who attended, to our families, friends and community who have and will visit and who supported the exhibition. Biggest thanks to Theo Mantalvanos and Andrew Gunnell (who editioned prints for Soula), Sheridan Jones for her exquisite framing, the Port Jackson Press team for their impeccable [...]

GSPF Dreamscape opening at Aesop

2018-03-07T14:19:47+11:00July 19, 2014|Exhibition, Press, Printmaking|

Opening night of the Gertrude Street Projection Festival 2014.Ellie Malin and Soula Mantalvanos celebrated their collaboration with Aesop Fitzroy with some mulled wine, candle lights and their friends, family and community.The festival continues for 10 nights. View the gspf website for the full program and please don't forget... vote for Dreamscape, stand 35!

A Moment in Gertrude, with Aesop Fitzroy

2018-03-07T14:06:21+11:00April 15, 2014|Exhibition, Printmaking|

Perfect. I could begin and end this post with that one single word. Honestly, I could not have asked for a better way to celebrate my Gertrude Streetscape etching than with Aesop Smith Street Fitzroy. My work hanging inside 'my' local Aesop store that's in 'my' neighbourhood with 'my' divine Gertrude Street community. There we all were, celebrating a street that is common [...]

Delightful, Gasworks Arts Park exhibition 2008 opening

2021-10-11T17:06:46+11:00October 19, 2008|Drawing, Exhibition, Painting, Portraits, Printmaking|

The press release below explains this show perfectly. I do have to add a huge thanks however to three dearest people, Theo, Lynn Savery and Michelle Caithness. I could not have produced these works without Theo’s support (and that still goes for most things I do today!). Darling Lyno the chance I got to paint and draw you is icing on the [...]

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