Absolutely gobsmacked at this achievement, and incredibly confused at the same time. Who would have thought a horrifying life changing event could bring so much reward. Nevertheless, I’m going with it and am stoked to be considered for semi finalist. Self Portrait (art and chronic pain) will be heading up to Sydney next week for the next round confirming finalists for the National prize.

View all the semi finalists here, read more about the prize here and view the 2012 finalists here.

About the portrait

A self portrait of a self portrait. A marionette is the only way I thought to express my living with chronic pain. I lost my independence and yet the debilitating qualities couldn’t be seen on my exterior. No one could grasp my torment by looking at me, in fact I looked ‘well’. I lost my control in life and the pain directed my days for many years… for some days it still does.

This painting of me as a marionette, I believe, is a fitting self portrait of me, perhaps even for anyone else with any kind of invisible pain.

Currently this is how I see myself but I remain hopeful that this image will change one day.

Follow the pain story: pudendalnerve.com.au, facebook, rss, twitter.

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