Soula Mantalvanos | Artist, designer & gallerist Melbourne Australia

Soula Mantalvanos | Artist, designer & gallerist


Phase One Italy: Nurture

2024-09-16T16:15:53+10:00September 16, 2024|Drawing, Studio, Travel|

After two years of trying to realise this Italian adventure, we arrived in Milan on September 5th, albeit with heavy hearts from the loss of our mother (my mother-in-law) and, soon after, one of my dearest uncles. Feeling far from celebratory, we decided to skip Venice. We thought to first nurture ourselves, so we took a quick Milan tram ride for an espresso in the glorious Marchesi in Milan's Galerie Vitoria Emanuele II.

And the winner is ME!

2018-03-07T14:19:14+11:00July 13, 2015|Drawing, Exhibition, Me, Painting, Prize|

My first ever art prize win and how perfect that it's been awarded by people whom I treasure, and people who inspire me, not only with my art my practice but with my life also. Sending out a huge thanks to Louise, David and crew at St. Luke Artist Colourmen and Langridge Artist Supplies. Who would have thought that all that chronic pain [...]

Answerable to no one except my talent!

2018-03-07T14:06:21+11:00October 24, 2014|Drawing, Painting, Studio|

There's something really great about being an artist and experiencing a time where you can work without influence. I am experiencing that pleasure right now and exploring what it is I would like to focus on to amount a body of work that is unrelated to my last 7.5 years of pained life. My artworks of the last years have been quite erratic [...]

The Drawing Wall

2021-10-11T17:00:57+11:00April 16, 2014|Drawing, Studio|

What is The Drawing Wall? An excuse to get up off our seats, Takes us away from our screens, Keeps us in touch with drawing and the pencil, A way to remain inspired in our studio, A creative project, A great way to use our blank studio wall, Keeps us thinking, Provides a great working environment, Lots of fun. Building The Drawing [...]

Delightful, Gasworks Arts Park exhibition 2008 opening

2021-10-11T17:06:46+11:00October 19, 2008|Drawing, Exhibition, Painting, Portraits, Printmaking|

The press release below explains this show perfectly. I do have to add a huge thanks however to three dearest people, Theo, Lynn Savery and Michelle Caithness. I could not have produced these works without Theo’s support (and that still goes for most things I do today!). Darling Lyno the chance I got to paint and draw you is icing on the [...]

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