
Phase Three Italy: Arriverdeci

2024-10-12T10:17:40+11:00October 12, 2024|Travel|

Who wants to face the end of a beautiful and most inspiring holiday? But I have to say this has felt like the longest holiday. It was that fourth week we terrifyingly committed to, fearful of leaving our beautiful Queenscliff Gallery that made the difference. It was also the non-planning approach to this trip. It meant we landed without FOMO and with just [...]

Phase Two Italy: Settling in

2024-09-28T01:56:56+10:00September 28, 2024|Travel|

I'm settling into the routine now: walk, draw, eat, drink, rest, and start again. This is what I like to call work/life balance. As I mentioned in Phase One Italy: Nurture, an artist never stops working, but it's a joy in this environment, especially if/when the work created sells. Some added bliss to this trip is that I can enjoy short journeys, whether by car or Italy's fabulous rail system.  For example, Montepulciano is a 40-minute drive from Cortona, where Theo and I are based. I can't get to Melbourne from Queenscliff in that time, and the road is nowhere near as picturesque or stimulating.

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