Soula Mantalvanos | Artist, designer & gallerist Melbourne Australia

Soula Mantalvanos | Artist, designer & gallerist


Hanging in the Queenscliff Gallery Vestibule

2024-08-23T15:03:30+10:00March 8, 2024|Curating, Gallery, Me, Painting, Portraits|

I really like intimate exhibition spaces! Small spaces attract much attention, especially if they are great (if I may say so) and at the gallery entry and exit point like the Vestibule at Queenscliff Gallery (QG). I finally decided it was time to send Endurance out into the world. I'm working on a new body of work and feel a few of my self-portraits can finally face the world. After a few touch-ups, I also re-introduced Hare's Secret Keys. Both works incorporate the Fornasetti wallpaper that I live with and love and my two marionettes.

Human Emotion Exhibition

2020-05-03T11:55:24+10:00May 3, 2020|Exhibition, Printmaking|

Exhibition dates: April 30 — June 1, 2020 Official opening online: May 3 from 3pm Titles as varied as Jane Austen’s Emma, Leigh Sales’ On Doubt and Hunter S Thompson’s Fear and Loathing in Las Vegas – selected by then-owners of The Bookshop at Queenscliff, Lisa and Mathew – are allocated to participating artists, whose hand-printed visual adaptations will go on display for the Human Emotion Print Exchange exhibition, alongside [...]

From a Collingwood design studio to Queenscliff Gallery & Workshop

2018-03-07T14:06:19+11:00September 4, 2015|Gallery, Me, Printmaking|

Finding themselves at a life crossroad, creative directors Soula and Theo Mantalvanos of ooi - creative communication, decided to grant themselves four months of thinking time on the East Coast of Tasmania. Away from their Collingwood routine, they were able to clarify and plan for the next stage of life, taking into serious consideration Soula's chronic pain issue and related daily limitations. Soula [...]

Alice Bale Art Award 2008

2018-03-07T14:06:22+11:00December 1, 2008|Me, Painting|

Lyno thinking (in pinstripe) at the Gertrude Street Enoteca Finalist in the Alice Bale Art Award 2008. Glen Eira City Council. December 2008 This has to be my most favorite portrait of Lynn (ok, that's a little difficult to confirm), but it certainly moves me more than the other paintings... and to think my feeling about the painting was right is added happiness. [...]

Williamstown Contemporary Art Prize 2008

2018-03-07T14:06:22+11:00September 27, 2008|Exhibition, Gallery, Me, Painting, Portraits, Prize|

‘Lyno Writing At Cavallero’ made it into this year’s Williamstown Contemporary Art Prize.  The launch and awards ceremony was held at The Substation Arts Centre in Newport on 20 March, 2008 with a crowd of over 400 people in attendance. The Contemporary Art Prize is run annually as part of the Williamstown Festival.  Judges for this year were noted Melbourne artist Rick Amor, [...]

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