Soula Mantalvanos | Artist, designer & gallerist Melbourne Australia

Soula Mantalvanos | Artist, designer & gallerist


Phase Two Italy: Settling in

2024-09-28T01:56:56+10:00September 28, 2024|Travel|

I'm settling into the routine now: walk, draw, eat, drink, rest, and start again. This is what I like to call work/life balance. As I mentioned in Phase One Italy: Nurture, an artist never stops working, but it's a joy in this environment, especially if/when the work created sells. Some added bliss to this trip is that I can enjoy short journeys, whether by car or Italy's fabulous rail system.  For example, Montepulciano is a 40-minute drive from Cortona, where Theo and I are based. I can't get to Melbourne from Queenscliff in that time, and the road is nowhere near as picturesque or stimulating.

Phase One Italy: Nurture

2024-09-16T16:15:53+10:00September 16, 2024|Drawing, Studio, Travel|

After two years of trying to realise this Italian adventure, we arrived in Milan on September 5th, albeit with heavy hearts from the loss of our mother (my mother-in-law) and, soon after, one of my dearest uncles. Feeling far from celebratory, we decided to skip Venice. We thought to first nurture ourselves, so we took a quick Milan tram ride for an espresso in the glorious Marchesi in Milan's Galerie Vitoria Emanuele II.

Sitting for Barbie Kjar

2021-10-11T16:55:40+11:00October 18, 2014|Painting|

Who would have thought staring at the back of an easel could be so inspiring! Not only inspiring, we were enthralled in this simple form of art on the eve that The Australian's Sharon Verghis was publishing her article that questioned whether drawing was dead. From an artist's perspective, Soula particularly felt her own practise validated witnessing the push, pull and struggle [...]

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