Soula Mantalvanos | Artist, designer & gallerist Melbourne Australia

Soula Mantalvanos | Artist, designer & gallerist

Antipodean Palette

The Art of Pain, feature in the Neos Kosmos Good Life

2018-03-07T14:19:47+11:00July 13, 2015|Exhibition, Press|

by Penni PappasIt's the story you've now heard many times before, but Penni Pappas felt she needed to feature our 'Good Life' with the excuse of today's official opening of The Greek-Australian Cultural League's Antipodean Palette Exhibition 2014. Although the last seven years have been a gruelling and most stressful time for us, we now believe the worst is over, and it's time [...]

The Greek Australian Cultural League of Melbourne (GACLM) Antipodean Palette 2013

2018-03-07T14:06:22+11:00June 20, 2013|Exhibition|

... and I'm participating, again! This time with two posters I prepared for The Santorini Biennale of Arts, a fabulous competition calling for posters with the theme, Design A Wish for Greece. Sadly it was dumped without explanation (or refunds) and the lovely Vasy Petros coordinating the Antipodean Palette exhibition asked if I'd exhibit the prematurely retired entries. The exhibition aims to support [...]

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