Soula Mantalvanos | Artist, designer & gallerist Melbourne Australia

Soula Mantalvanos | Artist, designer & gallerist


Hanging in the Queenscliff Gallery Vestibule

2024-08-23T15:03:30+10:00March 8, 2024|Curating, Gallery, Me, Painting, Portraits|

I really like intimate exhibition spaces! Small spaces attract much attention, especially if they are great (if I may say so) and at the gallery entry and exit point like the Vestibule at Queenscliff Gallery (QG). I finally decided it was time to send Endurance out into the world. I'm working on a new body of work and feel a few of my self-portraits can finally face the world. After a few touch-ups, I also re-introduced Hare's Secret Keys. Both works incorporate the Fornasetti wallpaper that I live with and love and my two marionettes.

Delightful, Gasworks Arts Park exhibition 2008 opening

2021-10-11T17:06:46+11:00October 19, 2008|Drawing, Exhibition, Painting, Portraits, Printmaking|

The press release below explains this show perfectly. I do have to add a huge thanks however to three dearest people, Theo, Lynn Savery and Michelle Caithness. I could not have produced these works without Theo’s support (and that still goes for most things I do today!). Darling Lyno the chance I got to paint and draw you is icing on the [...]

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