Am I Streeton inspired? Of course!

And as the gallery Director of Queenscliff Gallery (QG) I not only had the privilege to place myself as part of the Streeton Prints artists in residence project but I also felt I needed to – a kind of practice to my preach.

With Theo as my printer (and my little bit more) I’m finally looking forward to getting back into regular art practice and as you’ll see from the video, leave my glam on in the process! Theo’s got the apron, gloves and clean up covered… actually, and most of the print. During the residency I managed to print 3 linocuts and this wood engraving. For me, that was huge.

Watching QG artists while they run workshops has taught me so much and I’m fueled. Thought No 1 – but what to do first? Thought No 2 answers that – I can only do what I can physically and mentally manage in very short periods.

That’s difficult. Creating work this way, is almost impossible – the idea development gets broken… but I have to take what I can get.

The work I’m executing now I believe is helping to de clutter my brain – it’s been gathering ideas for 10 years. The process is serving as a warm up process, just as one minute sketches are to life drawing sessions. I will need to manage the stream of ideas and learn how to sort what to do and what not to do?

For now, here’s me, jumping in and granting myself permission not to create a master piece but instead take a beloved Parisian topic to new mediums to get the flow going.

My Streeton influence

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