My art website is back

2018-03-07T14:19:13+11:00July 26, 2015|Me, Studio|

Hello, welcome back! My art site is back and firstly I must apologise to those of you who have had some strange feeds land in your inbox during testing time. Hopefully this post will make sense of it all. Many of you might already know, but Theo and I made a mammoth transitional move from our beloved Collingwood to Queenscliff. Not an easy [...]

Sitting for Barbie Kjar

2021-10-11T16:55:40+11:00October 18, 2014|Painting|

Who would have thought staring at the back of an easel could be so inspiring! Not only inspiring, we were enthralled in this simple form of art on the eve that The Australian's Sharon Verghis was publishing her article that questioned whether drawing was dead. From an artist's perspective, Soula particularly felt her own practise validated witnessing the push, pull and struggle [...]

Sunday Style’s My_Space, featuring ‘our’ space.

2018-03-07T14:06:22+11:00April 28, 2013|Press|

Sunday Style's My_Space feature. April 28, 2013 It was lovely of Joanne Hawkins to come out and meet with us and have her great words published in yesterday's Sunday Style 'My_space' feature. Clearly Zephyr's portrait, by Marija Ivkovic in his classic yogi pose stole the limelight. For those that saw the article, forgive the brag but we did want to send it out [...]

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